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Southern Cross Affiliated Provider

Neurological Disorders

What is a Neurological Disorder?

Neurological disorders encompass a wide range of illnesses that impact the intricate network of the brain, nerves, and spinal cord throughout your body. These disorders can be categorized into distinct groups based on their characteristics and progression.

The most common types of Neurological Disorders in New Zealand and what causes them.

Firstly, we have “sudden onset” disorders, which arise as a result of injuries to the brain or spinal cord. These injuries can lead to various neurological conditions with rapid onset and manifestations.

Secondly, we encounter “intermittent conditions,” including epilepsy and early-stage multiple sclerosis. These conditions exhibit intermittent patterns of symptoms and may have periods of remission or relapse, causing fluctuations in their presentation.

Thirdly, we have “progressive ailments” such as Parkinson’s disease, which worsen over time. These disorders exhibit a gradual decline in neurological function and often lead to increasing challenges for the affected individuals.

Additionally, there are stable neurological conditions that remain consistent over time, with no significant changes or worsening of symptoms.

It’s important to note that each neurological disorder has its unique characteristics, symptoms, and treatment approaches.
Can Medicinal Cannabis help to manage the symptoms of Neurological Disorders?
Firstly, it is important to understand that there are over 700 different types or categories of Neurological Disorders and therapeutic research is limited to a small number of these.

However, there are a range of studies. based on specific neuro-inflammatory-derived diseases such as epilepsy that suggest that the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties of CBD may be suitable for managing symptoms.

Is CBD used to help manage the symptoms?
The unique properties of CBD may help with certain Neurological Disorders in a variety of specific ways depending on the ailment. In the first instance, we would suggest utilising our complimentary Nurse consultation to discuss your specific situation so that our clinical team can make a more educated decision on whether Medicinal Cannabis may be suitable.
What are common examples of Neurological Disorders?
As mentioned earlier, there are over 700 types of Neurological Disorders. More common examples include:

* Epilepsy
* Migraine
* Autism
* Alzheimer’s Disease

Considerations for using Medicinal Cannabis.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing the symptoms of Neurological Disorders. Considerations for support can depend on many different factors, including age, the severity of symptoms, history, and more.

Natural therapies like medicinal cannabis and CBD may provide an alternative where conventional medications have failed. The decision to use medical cannabis or CBD should be made in consultation with a health care provider and only once all the required information is presented.

Talk to CannaPlus+ today

At CannaPlus+, we’re committed to bringing the highest level of medical care to provide comprehensive treatment plans, with patient care at the centre of every action we take.

Medicinal Cannabis may be an alternative or adjunct medication for managing some ailments.

In the first instance, it’s important to research what the alternatives are and to talk to a health care professional. 

How CannaPlus+ can help – if you would like to book a consultation with one of our Doctors to see if Medicinal Cannabis may be appropriate for you. Our dedicated team of doctors will see if you are eligible for a script and create your plan in based on your health goals. Click here to find out more and book a consultation.