Step One:
Book with our Clinic booking platform
Step Two:
You will be taken to the pre-payment portal.
Step Three:
Make your appointment payment through our secure portal to confirm your booking. You will receive a confirmation email to confirm the booking.
Please note:
If you are undertaking this consult to pursue a prescription for a Flower product, please note that our doctors can only prescribe this for use via vaporizers.
– If you already own a vaporizer, our Doctors may request to see your device to determine its suitability.
– If you do not own a vaporizer, a complimentary consult will be booked for you with our Medicinal Cannabis Vape Consultant to determine the best vaporizing device for you.
All flower product prescriptions are only dispensed with a vaporizer or after your existing vaporizing device has been sighted by our doctors.
We believe everyone should have access to quality healthcare. This is why our fees are the most affordable in the country.
Step One: Book with our Clinic booking platform
Step Two: You will receive a confirmation email with a payment link.
Step Three: Click on the payment link, and make payment through our secure portal to confirm your booking.
We have our registered Nurse available to answer any questions including; using vaporisers, Workplace practices, low-cost alternatives, and medicinal cannabis options.
CannaPlus+ is a speciality medicinal cannabis clinic based in Auckland, New Zealand, that empowers Kiwis to lead better, more fulfilling lives using alternative treatments.
Our website is for educational purposes only and is not an inducement to use medicinal cannabis. It is also not a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Medicinal cannabis does not work for everyone and it may not work for you. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.
© 2024 CannaPlus+ Clinic. All Rights Reserved