Updated Consultation Pricing: Now only $49 for all initial and follow-up consultations!
*Excludes Paediatric/Specialist consultations

Southern Cross Affiliated Provider

Dr. Afraz Adam

Chief Medical Officer


Dr Afraz Adam offers a wealth of experience across multiple medicinal disciplines, treating patients across Australasia. He is a Fellow in urgent care and has been actively involved in hospital medicine, emergency rooms and accident and medical clinics.

Dr Adam is an advocate of medicinal cannabis, believing that it has the potential to improve patient’s lives significantly through relief of chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, inflammation, diabetes control, alcoholism – and much more.

He promotes a holistic approach to medicine and believes that sound nutritional health, mental fortitude, exercise and evidence-based supplements are the solution to a myriad of modern day health issues.

Dr Afraz Adam

Book an initial consultation now with Dr Afraz Adam