Updated Consultation Pricing: Now only $49 for all initial and follow-up consultations!
*Excludes Paediatric/Specialist consultations

Southern Cross Affiliated Provider

Dr Daria Kelly


HonBSc, MBChB, PgDip (Paediatrics), PgDip (Skin Cancer)

A graduate of the University of Toronto (Canada) with a background in neurobiology, neuropsychology and German linguistics, Daria moved to Aotearoa in 2006 and completed her degree in Medicine at the University of Auckland.   

Daria has worked across 3 DHBs in Auckland as a Medical Officer amongst various specialties of medicine, including an invaluable two-year post as an Anatomical Pathology Registrar.  Daria has grounded herself in Holistic Medicine for several years as a GP, aligning seamlessly with her current practice in Medicinal Cannabis at CannaPlus+.  Daria is passionate about supporting her patients on their health journeys to achieve better outcomes and greater quality of life. 

Daria has a particular interest in the fields of chronic pain, sleep issues, women’s health, oncology and mental health.  

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