Updated Consultation Pricing: Now only $49 for all initial and follow-up consultations!
*Excludes Paediatric/Specialist consultations

Southern Cross Affiliated Provider

Dr. Josh Coulter


BSc. (Physiology), MBChB, PGCertHSc (Women’s Health)

Dr Coulter is a graduate of Auckland Medical School and is a Rural Hospital Medicine trainee. He has worked in a variety of medical domains including Obstetrics and Gynaecology, General Practice, Emergency Medicine and both Adult and Paediatric Medicine. His clinical practice centres around treating the patient as a whole, as opposed to only focusing on a singular issue or condition.

Many patients with chronic pain conditions, such as endometriosis and fibromyalgia, have found current treatments inadequate; not only in controlling their pain, but in alleviating any associated anxiety or mood disruption. This is where medicinal cannabis can help to significantly improve a person’s quality of life and to reduce the burden of pain that many experience on a daily basis.

Medicinal cannabis also has exciting pharmacological properties that make it an under-utilised and increasingly important medicine for treating a variety of other conditions, including insomnia, eating disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome. Dr Coulter looks forward to working with you, and seeing how this exciting area of complementary medicine may help to improve your overall well-being.